The Nuyorican Poets Cafe has closed its doors for #nuyoricanstruction, a 3-year renovation project.
GOOD NEWS, ART LOVERS! Throughout 2024, the Nuyorican Poets Cafe will collaborate with NYC venues and poetry showcases for off-site events, such as the famous NYC Bowery Poetry (for poetry slams) and The Loisaida, Inc. Center (for open mic night). Visit for the events calendar, or follow them on social media (@nuyoricanpoetscafe) for up-to-date information on new locations, dates, and times for Slam and Open Mic Nights!
Follow The Nuyorican Poets Cafe YouTube channel to join in on the Monday Night Online Open Mic and Thursday Night Online Open Mic!
*Visit for the events calendar!
Founded in 1973, THE NUYORICAN POETS’ CAFE has been a home away from home for some of NYC’s hottest poets. But poetry isn’t the only art form that canvases this legendary place. For you music lovers, hip-hop fiends, and who have a love affair with the theatre with visual and video arts, the NuyoRican is the place you’d like to frequent every night of the week. Also, check out this hot spot for your comedy fix.
*Watch Pix11’s “The Nuyorican Poets Cafe Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary” tribute for HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH
The Nuyorican Poets’ Café Spoken Word Poetry Slam Nights @ Bowery Poetry Club
Due to the #nuyoricanstruction and the temporary closing of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe’s doors till 2026, the Nuyo will host their Spoken Word Poetry Slam Mondays @ the famous NYC Bowery Poetry at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Slam takes place from 7:00 to 9:00 pm—tickets: $20 in advance/online or at the door. JRose and The Bee alternately host it.
The Bowery Poetry Club is located at 308 Bowery (between E. Houston & Bleecker Streets) in Manhattan, NYC.
Visit for the events calendar, or follow them throughout social media (@nuyoricanpoetscafe) for new locations, dates, and times for Slam and Open Mic Nights!
236 East 3rd St. (bet. Avenue B and Avenue C)
New York, NY 10009
(212) 505-8183