April is National Poetry Month! Read. Write. Get Out & Recite. Enjoy Poetry!

April is National Poetry Month! Read. Write. Get Out & Recite. Enjoy Poetry!

NYC Spoken Word Poetry Open Mic hot spots for National Poetry Writing Month. Find events for April and throughout the year!

Spoken Word Poetry Slam and Open Mics @ The Nuyorican Poets’ Café

Spoken Word Poetry Slam and Open Mics @ The Nuyorican Poets’ Café

Need details on Spoken Word Poetry events, slams, and open mics @ The Nuyorican Poets’ Café? Click inside for the information you need!

#NaPoWriMo April 2018 – Celebrate National Poetry Month at NYC Open Mic Hot Spots!

#NaPoWriMo April 2018 – Celebrate National Poetry Month at NYC Open Mic Hot Spots!

Looking for NYC Spoken Word Poetry Open Mic hot spots for National Poetry Month? Click the link to learn where to get your art-fix for April and throughout the year!

April is National Poetry Month – Celebrate the ART of POETRY!

April is National Poetry Month – Celebrate the ART of POETRY!

Celebrating National Poetry Month this April? Want to know where some of NYC’s hotspots are for Spoken Word Poetry Open Mics? Find out the what, when and where that’s happening, inside.

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