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Just going to be an audience member at any LatinosNYC’s Poetry Open Mic @ Nuyorican Poets’ Café event is being a part of supporting the community. You being there (and at any of LatinosNYC’s events/Open Mics) HELPS TO SUPPORT THE CAUSE of helping the needy and taking part in building a better community. You can also help by showing up to VOLUNTEER to feed the homeless at the McDonald’s at 1st Ave & 6th St. NYC, NY at 10:30 am. Every 3rd Saturday of the month, Latinos NYC feeds around 200 homeless people. And could use ALL OF THE HELP out there! (follow LatinosNYC on Facebook for upcoming dates and times to volunteer) HELP SPREAD THE WORD!

CAN’T SHOW UP to volunteer? It’s okay! Here’s another way that you can SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. Feel free to MAKE A DONATION:


As for the ART community: how you all can help LatinosNYC build a better community for the people…show up! There are many ways of “showing up.” It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be physically present. One can show up by: paying attention to what’s going on and asking what you can do to help, from where you are. There are many ways to show support, even if you cannot perform. If you cannot be a part of the audience, or donate at the time, sharing information – using your networks to spread the word about events, volunteer days and fundraisers shopping online at www.latinosnycgivesback.com (a way that you can save money on shopping for gifts, earn cash back on purchases from major retailers that you are already buying from) – is a simple, yet valuable way of showing your support for the team of LatinosNYC and their Cause. FEEDING THE HOMELESS is a big DEAL! And it requires a system that involves the people, in the community, working together in order to continue helping the people in the community. Together, everyone will rise faster and greater than they will alone.

In 2017, LatinosNYC launched its project Providing Feminine Products For Homeless Women. Imagine being homeless AND having to stress over where or how you’ll have the necessities (feminine products) you need as well. It’s much too much. WE can help lessen stress and worry.

Click the link to make donations: https://www.gofundme.com/homeless-women-feminine-hygiene

LatinosNYC is thinking of and helping the less fortunate. Become a part of that! Use your heART! Together, you all can create betterment. Together, you can help the community grow.

***The holidays are coming fast! And birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations of all types are year-round. Here’s a way that you can save money on shopping for gifts, earn cash back on purchases from major retailers that you are already buying from, AND support LatinosNYC!

Sign up for FREE at www.latinosnycgivesback.com and when you shop online, the stores you are shopping at pays YOU. You also support their feeding program –  3 Kings Day Toy Drive – and help LatinosNYC reach even more people!

Register now… and pass it on!

For more information about Raul K. Rios, the team of LatinosNYC and to learn how you can be a part of helping the community of people in need visit:

Webpage: http://latinosnyc.org/
Facebook for their upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LatinosNYC/251941031495893?fref=ts&ref=br_tf

Contact: Raul K. Rios
P.O. Box 20468
New York City, NY 10009


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