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Attention! Art lovers and artists: Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 8:00pm, come celebrate National Poetry Month at The Inkwell Brooklyn! NYC poets and writers Empress Poetry and Negus Adeyemi of Spoken Word with Friends hosts the Majestic Poetry National Poetry Month Celebration featuring artists, Shakasis Da Femcee and Kesed El Younger. Get to The Inkwell Jazz and Comedy Club on Bedford for a night dedicated to spoken word artists, poets, writers, and all lovers of poetry.

Majestic Poetry April 28, 18 flyerMajestic Poetry was put together, in a safe space, to encourage ALL artists and poetry lovers to get out and recite in celebration of their passion for poetry. Step up to the open mic and share your poetry on the same stage as one of your favorite poets or a poet you’re soon to become a fan of. Network – see old friends – meet new friends – connect through poetry.

The Majestic Poetry open mic will be available for novice writers up to veteran poets to USE YOUR VOICE and share your work. Each person will be allotted 3-minutes for reciting a poem, rhyming, singing, storytelling… It’s whatever you want to do. As long as you respect the mic.


“Come on out, as we will be celebrating National Poetry Month with an open mic and some outstanding poets. If you have a new poem, an old poem or would just like to hear some prolific poetry, then this is the event you want to attend. We have two amazing hosts to keep the poetic flow and energy right all night.”

Come out and share in the celebration of National Poetry Month with your poetic peers. Poetry. Good vibes. Good people. Food. Drinks. Love. What more can you ask for?! Come out and CELEBRATE POETRY! ALL ARE WELCOME!

Happy National Poetry Month, Poets and Writers!

Adeyemi Artistry Incorporated & Empress Poetry Presents: Majestic Poetry @ The Inkwell Jazz and Comedy Club at Bedford Ave.
DATE: Saturday, April 28, 2018
TIME: 7:00pm – 10:00pm
COST: $10.00
ONLINE TICKET PURCHASE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/majestic-poetry-tickets-44497960598?aff=efbeventtix
18+ w/ I.D.
The Inkwell Jazz and Comedy Club at Bedford Ave.
1165 Bedford Ave. (Corner of Putnam Ave.)
Brooklyn, NY

A, C to Franklin Ave
S to Franklin Ave.
G to Bedford – Nostrand Aves B44, B49, B25, B26

Follow artists, Empress Poetry and Negus Adeyemi on Facebook for upcoming events:
Empress Poetry: https://www.facebook.com/Empress.Poetry1/
Negus Adeyemi: https://www.facebook.com/adeyemiartistry/

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