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In honor and celebration of International Women’s History Month, gather at Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen, March 3, 2018, for some much needed uplifting words from the mouths of true spoken word artists, poets, emcees, and hip-hop artists; with other artist-types from all around the country, in a positive atmosphere, for Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen, Vol. 11: Born Ready: Fresh Fearless and Woke @ The Hostos Center for Arts and Culture in the Bronx! Throughout the years, Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen has created an atmosphere where everyone is FREE to express themselves as well as connect with others. Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen is about building people; so it offers artists opportunities to stay away from negativity through their art. Isn’t there enough negative-energy already surrounding us? Come get uplifted!

Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen Mar 4, 17 Featured Image (1)

At Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen, Vol. 11: Born Ready: Fresh Fearless and Woke there will be dancers, singers, vendors, and much more! Come be a part of SPREADING LOVE throughout your community! Help keep the arts alive! THIS EVENT IS FREE and open to all ages. ALL are welcome!

RSVP @ Facebook Invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1758421297525671/


“Join us and celebrate International Women’s Month and our special anniversary on Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 2 to 5pm at Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture (Bronx, NY) for FREE. Our showcase will featuring female emcees, poets, b-girls, deejays, dancers, graffiti artists and more. We can’t wait to be in your presence!.

Years past, we decided that Enough Is Enough and made a Spiritual Call to these actions:

-RISE and awaken the Spirit of women and girls all over the world.
-HEAL the mind, body and spirit of people of color from the impact of oppression.
-BECOME that which we already are, fearless, courageous and powerful!

Using the art of Hip-Hop as a tool for awareness, self expression and healing, we deeply feel that it is our responsibility to bring the idea of Born Ready: Fresh Fearless and Woke to the stage.

Collectively, we will explore the idea of Born Ready: Fresh Fearless and Woke through our powerful sisterhood performances. Our hope is to sow a seed of this type of love into our community. We will be together for a total of 2 1/2 hours shedding positive vibrations of love and light to our hood and to the world. Please join us!”

This event is FREE and open to all ages.

Date: Saturday, March 3rd

12pm: Vendors & Free HIV testing
2pm: Doors Open to Auditorium
2:30pm-5pm: Performances

Email: [email protected]
or call Kathleen: 216-849-7458

[VIDEO] WATCH VIDEO from previous Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen: https://vimeo.com/4217091

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