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[UPDATE – Saturday, December 2, 2017 – SOLD OUT SHOW!] In “Live Big Girl,” directed by award-winning author and performance poet Peggy Robles-Alvarado, three poetically-powerful Women – together on one stage – show the true meaning of being MORE. Vanessa Chica, Rebeca Lois Lucret, and Karina G-Lopez are artists, writers, poets, friends, sisters, daughters, students, educators, caregivers, healers, community advocates, activists… these women are giving big to a society that has not appreciated nor celebrated their being, simply because of their size. They are living in a society where being BIG is looked down upon. And just like so many of us women with curves – who have been criticized about our jeans size or what we choose to eat or drink – they each have a story that should be told. 3 women. 1 message. Unified.Live Big Girl Cast Member facebook image

Yes, “Live Big Girl” is a movement to create change in society for women. But this is not a woman’s problem. It is not only women who are forced to deal with ridicule based on their size. Body shaming has no discrimination. Men, too, are faced with the day-to-day battles. Which will make it possible for men to relate to the stories of these three highly intelligent, vibrant, sexy women who are using their voices to fight back against the ignorance of body shaming. Believe it or not, society would be a lot less cruel if more people spoke up about the issues and took part in being the change they want to see in the world.


Live Big Girl” is a Poetic play about three women and their different and not so different experiences of living in a body that is not celebrated. There is root deep digging towards self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. Through poetry, in movement and in stillness, offering a prescription for healing, in the taking back of their bodies from the mouths of critics. Fierceness comes when truths are shared. Live Big Girl! (taken from the Live Big Girl website.)Live_Big_Girl_Testimonial_1_(facebook)

Maria Rodriguez-Morales Fb Pic 2For an in depth look into “Live Big Girl” – the theatrical show December 2nd, 7:00p.m. at The National Black Theatre (Harlem) – check out poet, author, blogger, and BRILLA writer Maria Rodriguez-Morales‘ exclusive first-look into Live Big Girl’s purpose and what we can expect to see in the show. Click the link to learn more: https://bkwrita.com/aboutbrilla/live-big-girl-shatters-perceptions-and-demands-to-be-seen/


WHY YOU SHOULD SEE LIVE BIG GIRL:Live_Big_Girl_Twitter_image_(Vanessa)

Why should you come out to hear the stories of three women encouraging other girls and women to LIVE BIG? Because deep down, if not on the surface, you will relate to the message. You should see this show because it’s time that society recognized that body shaming is not a big person’s issue. It is a societal issue brought on by the negative mindsets of the people. Do you think size 2’s are any happier than size 22’s in life? Do you think a smaller individual deserves more than one with girth? Do you think you’ll always be your current weight? Guess what? You won’t! At some point (possibly around your 40’s) you will see slight weight gain year after year. It’s natural. So are we undeserving of kindness, appreciation, acceptance, friendly-love, romantic-love, love of any type because we gain weight?

Live_Big_Girl_Book_(Karina_IG_image)(Copies of the poetry book, Live Big Girl – 3 Women 1 Message, will be available at the show.)

Get Your Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/live-big-girl-tickets-35656904762?ref=ebtnebtckt

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