• magazine.secaucusrealestatetoday.com

April is National Poetry Writing Month! Read. Write. Get out & Recite. Enjoy Poetry! Throughout the month of April, poets and poetry enthusiasts alike celebrate the form of literature that we love so much in order to raise awareness all around the country. National Poetry Month was established in 1996 by the American Academy of Poets and was inspired by the success of Black History Month and Women’s History Month were met with.

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Poetry is a form of literature that can be very hard to define. It can be intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or rational. We all experience poetry in different ways, but there is one thing that remains the same no matter who we are: Poetry that we truly enjoy – what we really connect to – is something that makes us FEEL. It can inspire us, make us smile when we’re sad, and provoke thought on topics we have never considered – changing mindsets, altering, and saving lives.

Unfortunately, too many people are unaware of the enjoyment poetry can bring into their lives. As such, we dedicate the month of April to National Poetry Month all across America as a time for poetry readings, festivals, and just the all-around appreciation of what is truly a wonderful art form. It is my hope that by the end of April, people will not simply be looking forward to next year, but they will have discovered a new love for poetry to match my own. And will appreciate poetry every day and every month of the year.

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