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Helena D. Lewis, Playwright/Performer/Poet, the hilarious “Mad Social Worker” herself, is back at it again! She will be performing her Audelco Award-winning, one-woman show “CALL ME CRAZY: Diary of a Mad Social Worker” this JUNE 18-20, 2015 at the legendary Nuyorican Poets’ Café in NYC for a three-night engagement.

Call Me Crazy June 2015

“After being assigned more work than she can handle, social worker Lewis has a nervous breakdown, tries to kill her boss, and is committed for psychiatric observation. After being restrained, Lewis recalls her true-life experiences working with prostitutes, drug addicts and prisoners, portraying twenty-five different characters from pimps to menopausal women.
Call Me Crazy…a unique look at the highs and lows of working for peanuts while trying to save the world one poem at a time.”

Written & Performed by:
Helena D. Lewis

Directed by:
Leslie “ButtaFlySoul” Taylor

Thursday June 18, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
DOORS OPEN: 6:30pm
SHOWTIME: 7:00pm
For Group Discount Tickets Contact: 212.780.9386

For more information about Helena D. Lewis and her play “CALL ME CRAZY: Diary of a Mad Social Worker”, visit: http://www.hdlpoet.com/ OR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Call-Me-Crazy-Diary-of-A-Mad-Social-Worker/165214480249692?pnref=lhc

“CALL ME CRAZY: Diary of a Mad Social Worker” at the Nuyorican Poets’ Café
Nuyorican Poets’ Café
236 East 3rd Street (btw Ave B & C)
Manhattan, NY (LES)

  • magazine.deeshootsnyc.com

