• LatinosNYC

Looking for a Lyrical Open Mic to hit Monday, April 20th in Harlem? Interested in soulful, socially-conscious, creative Hip-Hop and Spoken Word Poetry that’s enjoyable? YES? Then the “4/20 Smoking Open Mic” is what you are looking for!

Harlem on Fifth 4/20 Smoking Open Mic

Get to Harlem on Fifth, Monday night, April 20th by 7:30 for your fix of Hip-HopSpoken WordPoetry and HOT vocals done right! Step up to the mic or just chill and enjoy. This Open Mic is going to be BLAZING!

Hosted by Robert Kimble

What is “4/20 Smoking Open Mic” all about?

“Coming together a collection of creative Artists representing Hip-Hop & bringing it back to lyrical skill.” ~ Robert Kimble

WHO’LL BE ON THE MIC WITH YOU: Charlie Scott, Danny Matos, Angel Rodriguez, Keon Torres and MORE!

(A HIGHTLIGHT of Harlem on Fifth: a jazz club with full bar and kitchen. One guest was quoted as saying, “Their mac n cheese is beyond amazing!”)

“4/20 Smoking Mic OPEN MIC”
Date: April 20, 2015
Time: 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Harlem on Fifth
2150 5th Ave
New York, New York 10037
(212) 234-5600
[email protected]

  • kiosk.dogownership101.com



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